Customer service trainer specifications

If you have the appropriate knowledge and skills you can be trained to deliver Welcome to Excellence programmes to your staff, volunteers or students.

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One-day trainer briefings are available for each of our courses, which enable company trainers to deliver sessions successfully to their employees, volunteers or students.

We expect those wishing to train as Welcome to Excellence trainers to:

  • have background knowledge related to customer service and the specific topic of the course
  • have a working knowledge of tourism and service sector businesses
  • have experience of delivering training sessions to groups (preferably 2 years experience)
  • have excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • engage with learners at all levels
  • have a professional approach to training delivery
  • use a variety of delivery techniques to deliver course content
  • provide a CV outlining their training delivery experience, qualifications and expertise

If you wish to train as a trainer, please contact your local Welcome to Excellence manager or Christine Murphy at Tourism South East ([email protected] / 023 8062 5533)

*Some of our courses require more specialist knowledge in delivery:

Welcoming All Customers
  • Demonstrate sound knowledge and understanding of the Equalities Act, barriers to accessibility and in particular related to service sector businesses
  • Ability to deliver Equalities Act/special needs course content across all levels of business (front line staff/owner proprietors/managers/senior managers).


  • Recent working links with relevant charitable organisations
Welcoming International Customers
  • Strong intercultural skills including how to interpret and respond to cross-cultural expectations.
  • Demonstrate experience and knowledge of working with a range of overseas customers/visitors and ethnically diverse groups.


  • Ability to speak another language, other than English.
Leadership and Management courses
  • A minimum of two years experience in delivering management and supervisory level training courses.
  • Client base demonstrating current delivery of courses and programmes to businesses/companies and pitched at Level 3/4.
  • Qualifications that demonstrate an understanding of management, business and HR techniques.
Sales and Marketing courses
  • Experience of delivering customer service training courses relating to sales techniques/converting business.
  • Demonstrate sound knowledge and understanding of the conference market with experience of delivering sales training and developing sales and marketing plans.
Green Edge
  • Background knowledge of sustainable and environmental issues, their implications and the way forward.
  • Experience of delivering courses/workshops on these topics.
  • Working and action planning with businesses to identify changes that can be made and the business/marketing benefits of these changes.

We’re here to help with all your requirements

If you need any more information on our courses or services, please get in touch and our experienced team will be happy to help you.

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